
A proactive and highly driven researcher and social
innovator whose educational qualifications span across disciplines. Has worked in the NGO sector and academia as a researcher and administrator.

Tinashe Mutero


Academic and Work Profile 

• PhD. Management Sciences (Peace-Studies), Durban University of Technology, Durban
• Master of Arts Applied Ethnomusicology, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban
• Bachelor of Social Sciences Honors Music and Musicology, Midlands State University, Zimbabwe

Tinashe is a highly skilled researcher with expertise in conducting qualitative research and has a strong commitment to addressing complex social issues. He has more than a decade of experience working in research and development communication with a proven track record in managing teams to perfection. Tinashe has worked extensively in both South Africa and Zimbabwe, and has demonstrable ability to navigate diverse cultural contexts and sensitively address pressing challenges. Dr Mutero holds a PhD (Peace-Studies), Master of Arts degree (Applied Ethnomusicology) and is proficient in participatory action research. Broadly, Tinashe’s research is focused on building the evidence of the effectiveness of popular arts programmes in improving relational wellbeing and research uptake in low and middle-income countries. He has mastered the art of simplifying complex information for diverse audiences, and producing captivating purposive and popular communication materials.


1. Mindu, T., Mutero, I.T., Ngcobo, W.,Musesengwa, R. and Chimbari, M.J. 2023. Digital Mental
Health Interventions for Young People in Rural South Africa: Prospects and Challenges for
Implementation. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health
2. Mutero, I.T., Mindu, T., Cele, W.B., Manyangadze, T. and Chimbari, M.J. 2022. Engaging youth
in stakeholder analysis for developing community based digital innovations for mental health
of young people in Ingwavuma Community, in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa, Health
& Social Care in the Community
3. Mutero, I.T. 2022. Historical trajectory of Zimbabwe’s failing 2nd Republic; setting an agenda
for engaged citizenship, Alternation
4. Chikafu, H., Mutero, I.T. and Chimbari, M.J. 2022. “If I Were to Suffer a Stroke Right Now, the First Place That I Should Be Taken to Is the Traditional Healer”: Community Beliefs and Health-Seeking Practices for Noncommunicable Diseases in Rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The Qualitative Report, 27(1)
5. Mutero, I.T. and Chimbari, M. J. 2021. Consulting the community on strategies to strengthen social capital for community disease control, International Quarterly of Community Health Education
6. Mutero, I.T. and Chimbari, M.J. 2021. Partnership dynamics in university-community engagement: A South African case study of multi-disciplinary research team, International Journal of African Higher Education, 8(1)
7. Mutero, I.T., Mchunu, K. and Govender, I.G. 2021. Sewing friendship: Increasing inclusivity through shared social spaces for migrant and local populations in Durban, Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning (CriSTaL),
8. Mutero, I. T and Govender, I.G. 2020. Monitoring and Evaluation of Arts for Social Change: The case of engaged creative placemaking on university campuses.
9. Mutero, I.T. and Govender, I.G. 2019. Moving from transactional partnerships to collaborative community engagement. A case study evaluating creative placemaking in Kwazulu-Natal, South African Review of Sociology
10. Mutero, I.T. and Govender, I.G. 2019. Advancing the exploration of engaged creative-placemaking amongst universities and communities for social cohesion in South Africa, Journal of Asian and African Studies.
11. Mutero, I.T. and Kaye, S. 2019 Music and Conflict Transformation in Zimbabwe, Peace Review, 31(3):
12. Mhlengi, V., Mutero, I.T. and Chimbari, M.J. 2019. Unmet needs to treat schistosomiasis in children under five years old in uMkhanyakude District of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The Global Journal of Health Science.
13. Mutero, I.T. 2018. Voices of dissent: Case study of the Rebel woman, University of Zimbabwe, in Chinouriri, B. and Kufakurinani, U. (eds) Victors, Victims and Villains: Women and Musical Arts in Zimbabwe’s, Past and Present, University of Zimbabwe
14. Mutero, I.T. 2018. Performing subversion: The use of Chinyambera traditional dance to as a coping mechanism in Zimbabwe, In Giminez, A. and Vambe, M. (eds) Performing Zimbabwe: A Transdisciplinary Study of Zimbabwean Music, Durban: UKZN Press
15. Mutero, I.T. (forthcoming). Reincarnating traditional dance in popular youth Culture: Prospects and Challenges, ICTM AMSG

Local and International Conference Presentations

1. Mutero, I.T. 2022. Session Chair: How are we localizing global efforts and globalizing local efforts for a healthy, just, and sustainable planet, 8th Biennial Ecohealth International Conference, Durban South Africa
2. Mutero,I.T. 2019 Use of participatory arts to improve research uptake in Ingwavuma, KwaZulu-Natal province in South Africa, Social Impact of Music Making Symposium, Antwerp Research Institute of Arts, Belgium
3. Mutero, I.T. and Mthethwa, N. 2019. Impact of Cutting Edge Innovative Research on Placemaking in Contemporary Learning Environments: A Case of University Of Kwazulu-Natal’s Howard College, Durban. Interdisciplinary Research and Postgraduate Conference, Durban University of Technology, South Africa.
4. Mutero. I.T. 2017. Towards Endogenous Arts Based Peacebuilding in Repressed Environments. Case Study of Mkoba in Gweru, Zimbabwe, Musicking and Nonkilling for Peacebuilding: Crises, Dangers and Opportunities, Abo Akademi University, Finland
5. Mutero, I.T. 2016. Conflict transformation through music and dance performance in a post-conflict site. A case of Mkoba, Interdisciplinary Research and Postgraduate Conference, Durban University of Technology.
6. Mutero, I.T. 2015. Reincarnating traditional dance in popular youth Culture: Prospects and Challenges, ICTM AMSG, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
7. Mutero, I.T. 2014. Blindfolding the Blind: A look at ZANU-PF’s foiled attempt at muting voices of dissent. A Case of Chiwoniso Maraire (The Rebel Woman), SASRIM, Wits University, South Africa

Symposiums and Conferences Organised

Scientific Committee, 2019: Higher Education, Community Engagement and Governance in 2050 Conference, Durban University of Technology.
Scientific Committee, 2018: 1st and 2nd Community Engagement Monitoring and Evaluation Symposium, Durban University of Technology
Symposium Convener, 2018: Quality of Higher education, employability of graduates: Whose responsibility? Durban University of Technology
Dialogue Organiser 2018: South Africa in Transition: Land Reform, Radical Economic Transformation, Durban University of Technology
Local Arrangements Committee, 2015: International Council of Traditional Music, African Musics Study Group Conference, University of KwaZulu-Natal


The People’s Bus, New media, public transport and citizen agency in Zimbabwe, Bustop Tv

FOJO IMS (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) Funded
Contributing to a free, professional, diversified and independent media sector,
serving democracy, human rights and development and allowing Zimbabwe’s
citizens to express themselves (2019-2021)
Responsibilities: Grant proposal writing and process and impact evaluation

See to Speak Creative visual, audio and online expression, Bustop Tv

Hivos funded project for strengthening social cohesion through amplifying
community voices and responsible citizen journalism (2019)
Responsibilities: Grant proposal writing and process and impact evaluation

Social Cohesion Project, Zoe-Life/UNHCR

Social Cohesion project aimed at addressing the drivers of Xenophobia in KwaZulu-
Natal (2017)
Responsibilities: Process and Impact Evaluation

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